>> Thursday, September 23, 2010
on behalf of voice, vignan-ece we are organizing an event TECHSTORM (paper presentation)
Interested candidates can send their abstract(soft copy) to voice.techstorm@gmail.com
please send it on/before 25/9/10
Coming to details:
Rules and Regulations:
1. Maximum of 2 participants can form a team.
2. During registration, participant should mention ID number, BRANCH and SECTION with their paper.
3. Abstracts should be mailed to voice.techstorm@gmail.com .
4. No changes will be accepted once the paper has been submitted.
5. Judges decision will be FINAL.
Paper Format:
- Abstract should not exceed 300 words
- Paper should be strictly in IEEE format.
- Main paper must be maximum of 12 pages including abstract and cover page.
- Presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.
For details contact:
- D.Venkata Naresh (4/4 E.C.E) – 9030110014.
- D.M.V.Ravi Teja(4/4 E.C.E) –9394884875
- A.Satyanarayana (3/4 E.C.E)-8977114021.
1.Recent Trends In Wireless Communication
2.Signal Processing (Speech, Image etc)
5.Microcontroller and its applications
6.Mobile and Embedded Systems
7.Artificial Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic
8.Advanced networks & network Security
9.Radio and Satellite Communication
11.High Speed Electronics Devices
12.Sensors and actuator systems
Topic should be specified at the time of sending abstract from above
**Last date for submission of SOFT COPY is 25th September 2010**
**Last date for submission of HARD COPY is 25th September 2010**
**Paper will not be accepted after the submission date i.e., 25-09-2010**
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